Scorenomics' Leads

Grow your customer base and expand lending safely with Scorenomics scored leads.

Creditworthy consumers gain access to products using Scorenomics' risk ratings.
Scorenomics risk ratings give consumers new access to financial products.

Scorenomics generates new risk ratings that identify prospects who will perform above their given credit score. By joining us, marketing teams gain exclusive access to these leads to drive growth for credit card and personal loan portfolios.

of consumers better than their lender credit rating
Consumers with better odds of being approved
After answer a few questions, consumers are presented with a recommended financial product that fits their specific situation.
Enroll in a matter of minutes
Implemented in days, not weeks
Lead identity verified


Lend to new creditworthy consumers

Expand Lending

Give your organization access to healthy growth

Consumers gain access to financial products that may help them improve their credit profiles

Drive Inclusion

Increase lending to underestimated consumers

Help consumers build their credit files

Implementation can be a snap, getting up and running with very little effort.

Low Effort

Launch quickly

No engineering required